Shadow had become accustomed to drinking from my hands back in Memphis. Heather and I would take her on walks across the golf course on Knight Arnold from Kings Arms. I think it was called Fox Meadow golf course. There were water fountains on the course and we never remembered to bring a water dish.
It tickled when her tongue lapped the water from my hands. She continued the practice on Maui at Iao Valley. There are stream fed taro patches that were certainly in reach if she chose to stretch her neck down a little. Instead she would wait for me to scoop water into my hand and hold it to her mouth.
Summer 2008 was the last time Shadow climbed the stairs at Iao. I carried her down because we didn’t want the impact to hurt her arthritic knees. Shadow continued to get visits but the attention was divided now with some more than others. Poor Shadow wouldn’t be the only star again, but she was included. She took every opportunity to show she loved us and needed our love in return.

During a visit from Ron and Judy in 2008 we took Shadow on her last walk at Keopuolani. She just kept setting down and panting. This might have been a sign of impending congestive heart failure but we didn’t make the connection. Heather carried her for half the walk. I was carrying Kathryn who was just too lazy or tired from a long day to finish the walk.
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