This would be Shadow’s last Christmas. Her present was a half dozen cans of Science Diet mature adult joint strength dog food and bag of chicken jerky strips. In the next few weeks Shadow’s breathing became raspy We thought she had a cold. We all had really mean colds in January, but Shadow didn’t seem to be getting over hers. Heather took Shadow to the Vet, Terry Smith, on her Saturday off and what he found astonished us. Shadow had developed a mass under her left rear breast. We couldn’t have missed it the last time we did her nails (about 3 months earlier) so it had materialized rapidly. Additionally, and of more pressing concern, her labored breathing seemed to be caused by congestive heart failure. This made biopsy a dangerous option so Terry prescribed antibiotics in case the mass was bacterial in origin. A week later she was in worse shape so we tried medication that could stabilize her heart rhythm. Shadow was unable to get up by herself and once up was shaky on her feet. The heart medicine didn’t improve her condition and seemed to cause more stomach trouble.
January the 30th 2010 Shadow was in rough shape. She hadn’t been able to stand or eat in two days. We tried to hold her up so she could relieve herself but to little effect. She did eat a couple of bites of french toast the morning before and could drink a little water if placed below her head but she seemed in pain and there were outward signs of organ failure. I took Kathryn to the pharmacy to stay with Heather while I took Shadow to the Vet. I told Kathryn I was taking Shadow to a special place where she could feel better. At the animal hospital Terry looked at Shadow and said this is the time. I held her through the injection and I told her I loved her. Terry told her what a good dog she had been and in a moment Shadow was gone.
It hurt us so very bad. She was a good dog. She lived for 12 years and 4 months. It's true brightest lights burn shortest. She shined so very brightly.

Shadow didn’t like for either Heather or Me to be upset. If we were upset with each other she would come between us and lean against the one she perceived most affected. She did the same on an individual basis when any of us were distressed. It‘s my perception she would feel the same were she here today. So, I strive to feel joy in the beauty of who she was rather than grief over our loss.
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