For the longest time we thought that right ear would never drop. By the time she was one year old it had. The Kitchen was always Shadow’s favorite room. From the beginning it was the plan to never feed shadow from the table. Aside from health concerns, it was always hard to have an uninterrupted dinner conversation at the home of anyone who feed their dog during mealtime. I guess we forgot to discuss this policy with Scott who was living with us briefly after moving back from Ohio. One afternoon Shadow started whining and barking while we were all eating dinner together. Heather and I were wondering out loud why she should do that without having been trained to expect dinner treats and Scott says, “Oh, we’re not supposed to feed her table scraps?” That was that. He worked late hours and had been eating long after Heather and I were asleep.
Shadow was always a good dog to bathe. She was very patient and seemed to enjoy the attention. In the summer I’m sure it provided much relief from the heat with that heavy coat. She did try to drink the bath water so we had to let her get her fill before introducing soap to the process. After a bath she would run around the house or back yard rubbing against anything that looked dry. She loved tug the towel games.
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