Our lawn was maybe 1200 square feet. It took all of 20 min’s to mow with a manually powered reel mower. Still, Shadow was comfortable doing her business on it and she ran the 20 feet of fence defending home territory from all passers by with her mighty bark.
Our condo was just under 900sf. It had two bedrooms, a bath and half with stacked washer/dryer in the half bath. The fall was so hot in Kihei. Our apartment had AC but only one window unit. Mom had come to stay with us for a few weeks. She came to help with the move and support Heather. I came home from work one day and Mom met me at the door. She announced bad news. I braced to hear something horrible. Shadow had a scrape on her nose. “Is that it?” “Not all” she said “the back door screen was ripped through” Mom had left the Entry and lanai doors open to let the trade winds blow through and cool the condo. A strong gust slammed the entry door and the resulting boom woke Shadow with such a start she bolted through the lanai screen. Mom said it didn’t even slow her down but it did take a little skin off the end of her nose. She would have a little shiny place on the end of her nose for the rest of her life.
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