For our first Christmas on Maui with Shadow we took her to Haleakala on Christmas for some cool air. On the way up we heard Shadow growling at the rear passenger window. We were passing cows to our right. I think it was the first time she had seen cows. Yep, she is from Tennessee, but Memphis, so city slicker nonetheless. We opened a gift each and a bottle of spumante. Shadow got water and a treat. We watched the sunset on the clouds and then rushed to the car to get our ears warm. I think at least Heather and I were in agreement that cold was best when warm awaits. I wish I could know exactly how Shadow felt about it. I think she was most happy when we were happy.

Fall of the following year we moved Shadow into a new house. We tried to hang onto the condo until a lawn could be started so Shadow could make her toilet without having to walk up the street every time. The condo landlord wanted to sell or renew a contract so we had to make the move a little early. We got a small start on a lawn but still had to make multiple walks daily. Shortly we were to board her during our first trip back to the mainland since Shadow’s move. We went to pack a container with our furniture and Heather’s things. Some family pieces went back four generations. Buying new just wouldn’t be the same. We flew back on September 10th 2001. Imagine our surprise given the disorientation from jet lag when we woke to the news on the morning of 9_11_01
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