Shadow’s next trip to Hana came with Jody’s visit. Joanna and Jay Jay were kids then and that just made it so fun. They came the summer of 2002? Jody had undergone some marathon surgeries to remove bone cancer growths and I just didn’t think it could happen but it did, thank God. We made the trip to Hana again, this time in an eight-passenger wind surfing van. But, rather than utilizing the ample floor space, Shadow had already developed a taste for riding in laps and this time chose sleeping most of the bumpy back road with her head on Joanna’s lap.
By this time we had stopped taking Shadow to the beach. She had been having skin problems in Kihei. We thought ticks, which prefer the dry side of the island, caused it. But she kept having these rashes. Chlorhexiderm shampoo helped but keeping her out of the ocean seemed to help even more.
We were taking Shadow to Keopuolani park in Kahului. It has a long walking path through a small wooded area. We met other dogs that came regularly like Hoku, Splits and others. We spotted peacocks, Hawaiian owls and mule dear. There was a temporary shallow pond after big rains and lots of egrets to chase after.
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