Shadow has had her share of visitors from her earlier life in Memphis. Mom was the first to come, then Ron and Judy. We had taken Mom on the road to Hana but Shadow stayed home but Judy didn’t want to go without Shadow and was offering to stay and watch her, so we took Shadow. I knew she was a good car dog from the cross-country trip and she hadn’t gotten sick on the Haleakala switchbacks so it seemed like a good idea. I’m not sure see appreciated the scenery but she liked the company and she loved the black sand beach at Waianapanapa. She loved all beach time. Turns out it wasn’t good for her skin.
The only problem was cleaning her feet and drying her off before putting her back in the car. There were four people in a five-passenger car so she had to sit in the laps of Judy and Heather in the back seat. I know Judy didn’t mind Shadow but the mud wouldn’t be fun. We planned to put socks on her the next time.
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