The big adventure of Shadow’s life had to be the cross-country trip taking Heather’s car to Oakland for shipping to Maui. We decided to drive for a few reasons. It was a little less expensive including the gas and lodging, we could do a little touring, and Shadow would have a shorter flight to Oahu. We packed Heather’s car with the maximum amount of check on luggage allowed (in the days before the airlines charged). We made a bed in the back seat for Shadow in her disassembled pet carrier. She would lay her head on the front seat between us when she wanted our attention. We drove out of Memphis on Hwy 40 west through Little Rock and Oklahoma City to Amarillo Texas. I don’t remember where we spent our first night but we were driving through Texas when darkness fell and (unknown to us) so did the speed limit. Heather was driving when we got the ticket for a ridiculous amount of money and to this day she hates Texas.
Shadow was a great travel companion. She held her water for long stretches of road. We did a lot of snacking in the car between stops to make good time. On many occasions we tried sneaking a snack while Shadow was sleeping in the back seat but she would hear the wrapper rustle and there would be her head sticking out between us. She started having problems doing her business in the roadside parks of the desert southwest. She had always gone on grass. There was no grass in many of those parks and where there was grass, NO PETS signs were posted. We violated those rules a few times when no one was looking. It was here we started noticing that Shadow would hug the walls of a hotel as if sneaking into our room. We had picked hotels online advertised as pet friendly but didn’t announce having Shadow just in case. I think she sensed our nervousness and acted accordingly.
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