The Grand Canyon, Wow! Shadow was very nervous near the edge. She wouldn’t even get close to it on her own. She seemed fine when I carried her for a photo op. Just shows how much blind trust she has in us. How could you ever let down someone who trusts you so completely? Shadow dined out with us on the waterfront in San Francisco. There are actually restaurants that allow dogs. Of course you eat out doors but still, “way to go San Francisco”. I can’t help but wonder if Shadow was capable of hoping this was going to be our new home. The next day we tried to take Shadow to Muir Woods but were turned away, NO DOGS! Boo national park service! A lady just in front of us was allowed in with her pocket poodle. The ranger just said her dog was too small to count. We even had an obvious poop bag dispenser on my belt. Strange times these, when dogs are allowed in restaurants but not the woods. So, we took her to Muir beach, which turned out to be the better choice. Shadow chased sea birds and waves until Heather and I were too cold to stay any longer. She chased the waves toward the ocean and when they rolled back her eyes would get big as she ran from them with a frightened look. Then she would do it again and again. She loved it, and we were taking her to a place where we could do this every day.

This gave some comfort. We were both apprehensive about putting her on the plane. But we had this really good day first. We hoped she might dream about it on the flight.
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